The 150-Foot Solar Tower Historical Sunspot Drawing Resource Page

HESE pages are provided as a resource for those wanting to locate daily sunspot drawings done by solar observers throughout history, and as a tribute to the many dedicated observers who routinely sketch the sun's surface. Except for a few special cases, all sunspot drawing databases are accepted as long as the observations are systematic in nature and consist of more than just a few observations. The entries are listed chronologically with respect to the beginning of the data set. Examples from each data set will also be posted as they become available.
Please note that for the 17th century observers, the observation dates refer to the dates of known sunspot drawings, not visual observations. (Leaving aside, for now, any questions of sunspot "discovery".) Also, the dates posted are straight from the written records with no accounting done for Gregorian calendrics.
The pages are relatively new, so there are many obvious omissions and missing details. More will be added as I locate the necessary information.
The Early Observers
19th Century Observers
20th Century Observers
General References
Listings maintained by Larry S. Webster, who is solely responsible for the content.
Corrections and additions are encouraged!